This past month, I traveled to Chicago for a work-related engagement. Chicago has been on my list of places to see for a while, and I was looking forward to working on a cool project and getting the chance to see the city. Although I only had a little bit of time to explore, below are some the highlights which left me wanting to return:
Cloud Gate
Cloud Gate a.k.a The Bean was first on my list of Chicago things. Located in Millennium Park, this stainless steel structure was even more breathtaking in person. I originally thought I would go, snap a selfie or two, and move onto other sites; however, I quickly became entranced by the way the surrounding buildings and people reflected off of the surface as the sun began to set. It was also cool to stand underneath and look up at the multiple reflections bouncing off.

My biggest regret from my trip is not having enough material for a 2,000 word piece on how Chicago's deep dish pizza impacted my life in a positive way; in fact, I don't even have a picture. But what I do have is the distinct memory of the cheesy, rich, chewy slice I devoured from Giordano's, and the opportunity to say if you are in Chicago and are looking for deep dish, you cannot go wrong with Giordano's. (Note: you can't order it by the slice - I tried)
Architecture Tour
The greatest highlight of my trip (after the pizza) was by far the architecture boat tour my group took as a part of our program. The tour began at River North and was a 90 minute boat ride along the river, learning about each of the buildings we passed along the way. We went around 6:30pm, allowing us to watch the sunset as we completed our tour. Our tour was with Wendella Tours, and our guide made the tour a very entertaining learning experience. It was a fantastic way to spend and evening while learning more about the city's history. Fun fact: Chicago was home to the world's first skyscraper (Home Insurance building, 1884) and is currently home to the tallest USA skyscraper designed by a woman (Aqua, Jeanne Gang).
Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba
For a celebratory brunch, my team and I Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba!. Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba is a Spanish tapas restaurant located in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. The restaurant itself is quite lively, and the diverse menu offers a little something for everyone - and it's all pretty darn good. Everything I tried was very good, but I'd recommend the mango sangria, bacon mac and cheese, and the breakfast paella. I would definitely visit again if I was in Chicago with a group.
Art Institute of Chicago
As I reached the end of my trip with only a few hours to spare, I headed to the Art Institute of Chicago. I knew I wouldn't be able to see much, but I wanted to at least browse an exhibition or two since I was in the area. I spent most of my time wandering through the Impressionist/Post-Impressionist works, catching Seurat's famous A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, and Monet's Houses of Parliament series. My last stop was the photography exhibit, Invisible Man: Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison in Harlem. I kind of stumbled across it (the museum itself is huge), but I am so glad I did. The exhibition was a collection of Park's photographs juxtaposed with lines from Ellison's manuscripts, painting a stark portrayal of the Black experience in America almost 60 years ago. It got me thinking about how different things were just a half-century ago - how far we have come, but also how far we have to go with regards to racial and socioeconomic inequality.
Chicago-Style Hot Dog
I am not a major hot dog advocate, but there are some occasions where I have to embrace the dog - mainly baseball games, and now, trips to Chicago. What exactly it a Chicago Dog?, I thought to myself after I placed my order at the counter. Well, it is a hot dog topped with pickles, tomatoes, yellow mustard, relish, onions, chili peppers, and celery salt, and then tucked into a poppy seed bun. Talk about a mouthful! Upon receiving my hot dog, I instinctively drizzled a line of ketchup on top; however, apparently that is a major no-no... c'est la vie. While I can't hide my disappointment in how soggy my bun was, I can say that the Chicago dog is a filling staple that should be attempted at least once while in Chi-city.
Shedd Aquarium
A work event led me to the Shedd Aquarium along Lake Shore Drive. The Shedd is home to over 30,000 animals, and at one point was the largest indoor aquarium. Some highlights included the beluga whales, dolphins, and the large green sea turtle within the Caribbean reef exhibit. The aquarium also offers incredible views of the Chicago shoreline.Though my time in Chicago was short, I can't wait to go back and explore more of what the city has to offer.
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